Category: year6

5 Ways to Wellbeing

Year 6 have been thinking about the 5 different ways they can help their wellbeing.  These are:  Keep Learning; Stay Active; Give; Take Notice and Connect.

Back Together Again

We are SOOOO glad to be back together again – our Year 6 TEAM reunited!

Our Bulbs in Bloom…

In the autumn term, we planted bulbs around the school grounds and we were very pleased to see them bloom into colour this spring.

Making Potato Characters for World Book Day 2021

We had fun creating a book character from the potato we were given. Well done to everyone for your efforts and to our class winners.

Our home learning

We’ve been working really hard at home.

Snoow much fun in Year 6!

Our home based learners had lots of fun in the snow!

All Aboard! HMS Belfast Tour This Way…


Party Time! Year 6 Xmas Fun


Super Science!


Sharing Our Love of Reading…