Category: year4

Year 4 at home

Year 4 have continued to work hard at home.  It was Florence Nightingale’s birthday recently and so they have been researching her life and work, made lanterns and even made silhouette drawings. They have learned all about VE Day and decorated their homes for the celebrations. Whether it is the home learning set work, jobs …

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Exciting projects!

Year 4 have been extremely busy working on a range of projects including researching the history of the NHS, making their own instruments and then composing a piece of music, using their instruments to accompany a favourite short story.  They have also been making birthday cards and posters for Captain Tom and recreating famous pictures.  …

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Year 4 at home

Wow Year 4!  You have all been so busy at home on school work, learning new life skills and spending quality time with your family.  We are all so proud of you and love the updates you are sending in.  Look at the pictures to see what your friends have been getting up to.  We …

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World Book Week

Last week was World Book Week and we had a great time doing a range of activities and lots of reading! We read the book ‘Tin Forest’ and we worked in small groups to produce a wonderful whole-class poem about two contrasting scenes in the book. We also made pictures based on these scenes using …

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Handball with Watford Football Community Trust

We had a great practical session learning the skills of handball and then enjoyed a classroom based session on healthy eating and the eat well plate.