Welcome to Year 6’s Webpage
The staff in Year 6 are Mrs Pearce, Mrs Dupree, Mrs Cochrane & Mrs Alidina (SEN Support).
Contact us at: Y6class@greenfields.herts.sch.uk
- Reading records should be handed in every Monday morning. Books can be changed any day of the week. We ask children to read at least 4 x per week and share their reading with an adult (discussing books, asking questions about their reading, exploring vocabulary).
- Brain Trainer (5 arithmetic) questions are sent home every day.
- Spelling homework focusing on rules and investigations is sent home on a Monday.
- Read Theory is set on a Tuesday.
- Maths homework is set on a Wednesday.
- English (grammar) homework is sent home on a Thursday.
- PE is on a Tuesday and Friday and children should come to school in their PE kit. This may be outside so your child may want to bring a tracksuit top/bottoms as school uniform jumpers/coats are not to be worn in PE lessons.
- Meet the Teacher 24-25 (3.03MB)
- Willow Tree Presentation 24 (3.77MB)
- SATs Parent Presentation 24 (1.53MB)
- Year 6 Long Term Overview (840.56KB)
- Year 6 Yearly Subject Overview (30.31KB)
- Year 7 Recommended Reading List (138.51KB)
- Book Free Reading Passport (211.64KB)
- Year 6 Maths Learner (184.06KB)