Welcome to Year 4’s Webpage.
The staff in Year 4 are Mr Wilkinson, Mis Ford, Mrs Quarrell and Miss Smith (SEND Support).
Contact us at: Y4class@greenfields.herts.sch.uk
- Swimming takes place on Tuesday afternoons
- PE is on Tuesdays and Wednesday (Tuesday’s PE will be swimming)
- Reading books will be changed Monday and Thursday with the expectation to read to an adult 4 times a week
- Spellings are handed out on Friday to learn by the following Friday
- Home-learning will be set on a Friday to be completed by Thursday
- Year 4 Long Term Overview (527.04KB)
- Year 4 Yearly Subject Overview (113.00KB)
- Page Free Reading Passport (207.38KB)
- Year 4 Maths Learner (272.47KB)