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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5’s Webpage.

The staff in Year 5 are Mr Pople & Ms Oram and Mrs Gilder (SEN Support).

Contact us at:


  • Swimming takes place on Tuesday for the Autumn & Spring Terms
  • PE is on Tuesday – please wear school PE t-shirt and your school jumper/cardigan
  • Reading books can be changed daily with the expectation to read 4 times per week
  • Reading homework is set on a Monday to be handed in on the following Monday
  • English homework is set on a Tuesday to be handed in the following Tuesday
  • Maths games are taken home on a Wednesday and should be played at least twice before returning (with signed homework book) the following Wednesday
  • Personalised spelling lists to learn (and any other spelling activities) are sent home on a Thursday, to be completed by the following Thursday
  • Maths homework will be set on a Friday to be handed in on the following Friday