Welcome to Year 3’s Webpage
The staff in Year 3 are Miss Chopping, Mrs Alousi, Ms Challoner and Miss Francis (SEND Support)
Contact us at: Y3class@greenfields.herts.sch.uk
Year 3 Routines:
- P.E. is on a Tuesday and Thursday. Pupils need to come to school in PE kit on both days.
- Reading books need to be in school every day and will be changed Monday and Thursday.
- Spellings are handed out on Monday to learn by the following Monday.
- Times Tables Practice will be carried out weekly on Wednesdays with the expectation the children will know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables by the end of Year 3. Children are expected to practice at home on Times Table Rockstars
- Homework (Maths or Grammar) will be given on a Friday to be handed in the following Thursday.
- Meet the Teacher Year 3 2023 (445.21KB)
- Year 3 Long Term Overview (471.13KB)
- Year 3 Yearly Subject Overview (61.96KB)
- Word Free Reading Passport (205.08KB)
- Year 3 Maths Learner (273.17KB)