Category: year1

Visit from the farm!

For science week the school were visited by the farm to explore the animals. Year 1 loved petting and interacting with the farm animals.

World Book Day

Celebrating World Book Day in Year 1! We loved learning about our favourite books and even had a go at making our own stories based on the characters we dressed as.  

Creation Story

We had a lovely visit from Watford Trust to tell us about the Christian Creation Story. We all enjoyed listening to the story and completing a craft activity to help remind us about each day.

Year 1 interview Reverend Liz Guest

Year 1 have been learning about the job our local vicar Liz Guest does.  

Teddy Toast!

Our school based learners had lots of fun following instructions to make Teddy Toast!

Lockdown Learning in Year 1

Year 1 have got stuck into their remote learning.  They have been busy practising their tricky words, handwriting and bonds to 20!  Keep up the great work everyone!    

Multi Skills

Year 1 had a fun afternoon developing their skills in jumping, throwing and catching, agility and running.  Great work Year 1!  

Year 1 Walk around South Oxhey

Year 1 took a walk around South Oxhey last week.  We posted letters home to our families and described the physical and human features of our town.  We had lots of cheery hellos from the public who were delighted to see us out and about learning.

Year 1’s home learning

What a strange time we are all in! I want to say on behalf of Greenfields how proud we are of how hard Year 1 are working at home, keep it up! Here are some photos to show a mixture of all the learning that has been happening at home.

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In honour of Science Week, Year 1 and 2 spent an afternoon together with parents exploring and investigating lots of different areas of Science. We had apple dissection to sort out the parts of an apple, dancing raising to see what gases can do, tin foil boats to create the best floating boat, lego house …

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